Well control training is one of the keys to safety in the oil field, and many oil and gas companies require at least an awareness level of knowledge of well control to go to work. For more senior positions, or to work around the drill floor, a deeper understanding of well control is frequently required. 

    PetroEd provides this second level of training, accredited by the International Association of Drilling Contractors, in the computer-based training course Introduction to Well Control. The document accompanying this article is meant for SkillGRID Learning Management System (LMS) users enrolled in this course.

    This guide covers accessing the course in the SkillGRID LMS, completing the final assessment through the WellSharp database, and downloading your certificate of completion. 

    For any additional questions, please contact the support team directly at support@petroed.com, or call our Houston office at +1 713.461.5200 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central time.